StickyNovember 21, 2018Uncategorized,Our Blog
According to Nettle and Romaine in the article“Preserving Endangered Languages”, 90% of the world’s languages are expected to disappear in the next…
Building Capacity In Deaf Communities Across Africa
September 19, 2023Our Blog,Awareness
It is finally the International week of Deaf People 2023 with the theme “A World Where Deaf People Everywhere Can Sign Anywhere”. This theme is a…
A World Where Deaf People Can Sign Anywhere
September 13, 2023Our Blog,Advocacy
Communication is essential in our daily lives, every human has a linguistic right to communicate in their unique language, yet the deaf community has…
Deaf and Sign Language Awareness Beyond Borders
September 8, 2023Our Blog,Awareness
As we enter September, it’s worth remembering that it is also Deaf Awareness Month during which the increasing public awareness of deaf culture and…
"Nigeria’s S-DELI organization works to save indigenous sign languages" S-DELI in Amjambo Africa!
In early 2022, members of the S-DELI team took part in an exciting media opportunity with digital newsroom, Amjambo Africa! Interviewed by Nigerian…
New Year Message from the President, Save the Deaf and Endangered Languages Initiative
January 5, 2022AwarenessNew Year,2022,President's Speech
Fellow team members and volunteers, It is a thing of joy to see the end of another year – another 12 months, another 52 weeks, another 365…
Indigenous Hands and Voices of African Identity Conference 2021 Report
Report Summary This report details the planning process, delivery and subsequent proceedings of the Indigenous Hands and Voices of African Identity…
Sign Languages are for Everyone!
October 4, 2020#WFD,Our Blog,AdvocacyAwareness,#idsl2020,#TAP2020
By Sadiku Olubusayo The month of September is a very special month for the deaf community. Around the world, the International Week of the Deaf is…
Causes of Hearing Loss in Children in Africa 1
August 2, 2020Our Blog,Advocacy#causesofhearingloss,#earlyinterventionprogram
By Sadiku Olubusayo O. Save the Deaf and Endangered Language Initiative (SDELI) Tonye is a happy 10-year-old boy. He was born at a primary health…
Accessibility and Communication in Healthcare Provision for the Deaf in Nigeria
May 1, 2020Our Blog,Advocacy#DeafHealth,#SDELIFreeMediacala
Have you ever wondered how a person with impaired hearing fare health-wise? If and when they visit hospitals/healthcare facilities, how informed are…
Signed Language Rights of the Nigerian Deaf Child
October 8, 2019Our Blog,Advocacy#IDSL2019,#TAP2019
Over the years, deaf individuals have been linguistically and culturally marginalised due to the loss of sound which hearing loss brings – some from…